09 April 2012

Fusion Hotel, Prague

Lovers of great design, lend me your ears...

... and eyes!

Hotel Fusion opened in Prague and  it is here to attack your senses. The hotel opened on 16th March and it has already received all the media attention it deserves. So what is so special about this place, you ask...

The man behind the concept, the Dutch Chinese designer Nah-dja Tien, says: "It's like a social network but in real life." With rooms equipped with Apple TV and iTunes, a Skype booth, a variety of restaurants and bars, one cannot but agree. This is hospitality at its best.

As the website claims: "Hotels have traditionally been a place to sleep, some great, some indifferent and some we’d rather forget.But traditions get old, it’s time to evolve. We think hotels are a place to BE."


Photos courtesy of Fusion Hotel


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