27 August 2010

"ProtiMysl – a blog dedicated to the latest trends in the Czech Republic"

ProtiMysl was recently featured in an interview for the Prague radio station "Radio Praha". For curious readers, here's a snippet from the article. The full version is available at: http://www.radio.cz/en/article/130885

"When Barbora Jarešová, the head of marketing at a Prague global real estate services firm, started blogging about cool places, hip design and trendy restaurants in the Czech Republic, it was mostly for her own pleasure and to inform close friends of what’s happening in Prague and other Czech cities. On her website, ProtiMysl, readers can see gorgeous photographs of little-known and unique locations – and to many foreigners, it comes as quite a surprise that there is more to Prague than dumplings, beer and art nouveau buildings. Barbora talked about what she would like to change about the country’s reputation, what reactions to the blog have been like so far and about her time spent abroad."  Radio Praha, Český rozhlas 7


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