23 August 2010

Museum of Hops, Žatec

Many of you have probably heard of Czech beer but how many of you have heard of Žatec? Little do visitors to the Czech Republic know that the North Bohemian town of Žatec is the country's home of hops. Although the hops industry in this small town has its roots in the Middle Ages, it has been in decline and Žatec is now forced to find new and creative ways to preserve its importance and fame. The Museum of Hops is one of the successful attempts.   

Together with the museum, the ambitious project "Temple of hops and beer" was launched, extending the services of the museum to include a visitor center, micro brewery, restaurant and even a hops bath.

The architecture of the museum forever changed the skyline of Žatec, with the "hops lighthouse" dominating the city center.

So do you need more reasons to visit?

Photos courtesy of Adam Trachtman


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